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ExcelENT Telemedicine: Schedule an Online Visit with Us
To combat the spread of COVID-19, we have adapted our operations to protect both our patients and staff. In accordance with the current CDC recommendations, we are limiting in-person visits to urgent conditions to effectively practice and encourage social distancing.
Thanks to the latest technology, we are now offering telemedicine through an ENT specific telehealth triage and initial care management system. Through this telehealth portal, we will provide a telehealth visit for all conditions for which an in-person exam is unnecessary or can be reasonably delayed. Following the telehealth evaluation, we will arrange initial workup, provide diagnosis, an initial treatment, and a follow up plan for the patient.
Do you have an issue with your ears, nose, or throat? Learn how telemedicine works at ExcelENT and schedule an online visit with us.
How telemedicine works at ExcelENT
Fortunately, the telemedicine process is easy to navigate. Follow these steps to schedule an online visit with Dr. Davis.
1. Contact ExcelENT to schedule an appointment
The first step is simply scheduling a telemedicine appointment. As usual, you can do this by calling our office (205-988-6858) or submitting our form.
2. Access the telehealth portal
Once you schedule an appointment, you will receive a text message from our office with a link and instructions to access the telehealth portal. This is where you will virtually “check in.” Dr. Davis will receive a notification that you are in his virtual waiting room and be with you shortly.
3. Receive a telehealth evaluation
After you have checked in, Dr. Davis will join you on a video call. Dr. Davis will listen to and evaluate your condition through the telehealth portal, making notes in his chart as he goes. He will then determine how your concern needs to be treated. During this examination, Dr. Davis will determine if the condition is urgent and requires an additional in-person evaluation at the clinic.
Insurance companies are treating telemedicine appointments as a usual office visit, so copays and deductibles do apply.
Visiting ExcelENT
If Dr. Davis recommends that you come into the clinic for an in-person evaluation, rest assured that we are taking every precaution to protect our staff and patients from possible exposure to COVID-19. We are taking patients in one at a time, and each patient goes through a temperature and question screening to ensure their symptoms do not relate to COVID-19. Dr. Davis and the practicing nurse will also be decked out in the necessary protective gear.
We believe this is the best way to continue the provision of ongoing necessary community ENT care, avoid flooding our already overwhelmed Urgent Care and ER systems with patients with ENT conditions we would normally manage through our clinic.
Dr. Davis will resume elective surgery and full clinic operations as soon as deemed safe for the community to do so, and we are monitoring the situation daily. As always, we are available to you directly to provide consultation and arrange an expedited evaluation or treatment plan.
Schedule an online appointment to discover how the team at ExcelENT of Alabama can help manage your ear, nose, and throat symptoms
To schedule an online appointment with one of our Birmingham ENT specialists, call us at (205) 988-6858, or send us an appointment request. We wish all of you ongoing health as we continue to fight this epidemic together!